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Some mechanical differences between finite element modeling and testing for reinforced materials

This study presents the results of Physical Model tests and Finite Element Model (FEM) results for reinforced sand foundations. Strip footing and plane strain conditions were selected to modeling. FEM analysis results were compared with laboratory tests for unreinforced and reinforced soils by using plate load tests. As reinforcement one Geotextile and three different Geogrids were used. By changing the number of reinforcement layers, load-settlement curves and Bearing Capacity Ratios were compared for medium dense sand. To model the geosynthetic reinforcement only elastic rigidity and interface was used. Finally, results were interpreted. The main conclusions were: The Load settlement behavior is similar for geotextile and geogrid reinforcement for loads below the unreinforced bearing capacity; As larger loads can be applied due to the effect of the reinforcement, the behavior of different reinforcement types show differences; Also the FE analyses cannot perfectly model the load settlement behavior for large loads.