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A database of geotextile use on Scottish trunk roads has been compiled for the period 1980 to 1992. Information contained on the database indicates that, on thirty-three projects, approximately 600,000m2 of geotextiles were used in subgrade separation and drainage & filtration applications. It is considered that there is scope for increased use of geotextiles on Scottish road projects. Cost-effectiveness ratios of 2.56 and 2.31 are found for subgrade separation and drainage & filtration applications respectively, when compared to alternative solutions. These values are consistent with those reported in the literature, which are in the range 1.5 to 8.1. Problems identified in relation to the use of geotextiles are limited and are reported in this paper. These problems emphasise the importance of correct design and specification, of careful installation, and of adequate site drainage. There is no evidence of claims associated with the use of geotextiles.