
This section offers a wide variety of geosynthetics technical information. This information is a product of the IGS Education and Technical committees as well as a number of other hard-working IGS volunteers. Information developed for the IGS is created and peer-reviewed by the foremost geosynthetics academics and practitioners world-wide. Much of the information is publicly available, however, some information is restricted to IGS Members only.

If you are an IGS Member, please log in to the website to gain access to the member’s only content. If you would like access to the content but are not a current member of the IGS, please refer to our Membership section of the site. 


Geosynthetics International is a peer-reviewed technical journal that publishes technical papers, technical notes, discussions, and book reviews on all topics relevant to geosynthetic materials (including natural fibre products), research, behaviour, performance analysis, testing, design, construction methods, case histories, and field experience. Geosynthetics International is published electronically.

As a membership benefit IGS Members receive full access to Geosynthetics International through the link to the publishers website. All volumes, beginning with Volume 1 from 1994, are available through the link.

Paid subscriptions to both Geosynthetics International and Geotextiles & Geomembranes are available for non-members.


Direct access to Geosynthetics International must be accessed through the main IGS website by following these steps:
   (1.) log into the main IGS website with your active account
   (2.) click on the ‘Account’ menu
   (3.) select ‘Journals’

Online access to Geosynthetics International

Geosynthetics International is a bi-monthly digital-only journal published by the Institution of Civil Engineers

IGS members receive free online access to the journal. Non-members and institutions can purchase an annual online subscription at a rate of £673/US$1097.


Members who desire access should contact the IGS secretary and provide their IGS member number, email address and mailing address.

Subscriptions include all content published since 2002. Volumes 1 through 9 (content published from the journal’s inception in 1994 through 2002) can be purchased for £200/$330 as an online Archive.

To order printed copies of Volumes 1 through 9, contact IFAI at 1-800-207-0729 or send an e-mail to

Publisher details:
ICE Publishing
Institution of Civil Engineers
One Great George Street
London SW1P 3AA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 207 665 2460