ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Long Term Behaviour of a Geotextile as a Filter in a 24-Year Old Earth Dam: Valcros A. Nancey, Ph.Delmas, Y. H. Faure & 'B. Farkouh Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore European Recommandations on Geotextiles and Geomembranes in Landfills B. Soyez, H.L. Jessberger, Ph.Delmas Access
EuroGeo 6 - 2016 Ljubljana Slovenia Filtration of clayey sludge by the use of geotextiles: experimental study C. Barral, G. Stoltz, N. Laidié, Ph.Delmas, T. Majerus Access
EuroGeo 6 - 2016 Ljubljana Slovenia The behaviour of “alive” earthworks with geosynthetics after several decades J.P.Gourc, Ph.Delmas Access
ICG 9 - 2010 Guarujá Brazil - Volume 4 - Geosynthetics: Advanced Solutions for a Challenging World 3.03 Study of the load transfer mechanisms in reinforced pile-supported embankments.pdf L. Brian?on, P. Villard, Ph.Delmas Access
Other - Theory and Practice of Earth Reinforcement 1988 Kyushu Japan 5.03 Geotextile-reinforced retaining structures A few instnlmentea examples.pdf J.C.Blivet & Y.Matichard, J.P.Gourc, Ph.Delmas Access
ICG 9 - 2010 Guarujá Brazil - Volume 2 - Geosynthetics: Advanced Solutions for a Challenging World Study of the load transfer mechanisms in reinforced pile-supported embankments.pdf L. Brian?on, P. Villard, Ph.Delmas Access
EuroGeo 1 - 1996 Maastricht Netherlands - Geosynthetics: Applications Design and Construction CE-marking of geosynthetics based on a system of European certification.PDF EFoubert, Ph.Delmas, W.Dierickx Access