ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Geosynthetic Reinforced Segmental Retaining Wall Structures in North America Michael R. Simac, Richard J. Bathurst Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Rupture Index for Puncture Resistance Classification of Geotextiles P. A. Maisano & D. 0. Jordan Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Reinforced Earth Retaining ·walls with Lateritic Soil as Backfill H. R. Sreekantiah, N. Unnikrishnan Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore 35m-high Geogrid-Reinforced Slope: New Heights and Innovative Construction J. H.C.Hew, N. N. S. Chao, P. Rimoldi Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Experiences from High Reinforced-Soil Structures G. Sembenelli & P. Sembenelli Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Soil Slopes – Analytical and Numerical Solutions D. Lesniewska Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Deformation Analysis of Reinforced Embankments A. Harissi & Th. Hatzigogos Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Performance of Two Experimental Full-Scale Embankments Reinforced with Geotextiles M. Kharchafi & M. Dysli Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Effect of Reinforcement Length and Distribution on Safety of Slopes R. L. MichalOW$ki & A. Zhao Access