ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Performance of Geotextiles in Railroad Laboratory Testing C.Gobel & K. Lieberenz, T.Eichenauer Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore The Use and Effectiveness -of Geotextiles on Road Projects in Scotland J. C. Cross & J. Oliphant, M G Winter Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Geogrid Encapsulation of Railway Formation L. J. Sanders, W. S. Alexander Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Deformation Evaluation Procedure for· Reinforced Soil Walls J. K. Mitchell, S.H. Chew Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Modelling Construction Effects in Polymeric Grid Reinforced Soil Walls I. Yogarajah, K. Z. Andrawes Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Concentrated Load on Top of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Earth Structures J.P.Gourc, P. Villard, Ph. Gotteland, Y. Matichard Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Geogrid Reinforced Soil Walls Subjected to Controlled Lateral Defortnation K.Z.Andrawes & M.A. Saad Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Parametric Finite Element Investigation of Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls K. Rajagopal, R.J. Bathurst Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Reinforcement Stiffness on Load-Deformation Characteristics of Reinforced Wall C. Y. Cheng, C.C. Huang, S. H. Hsia & S. P. Hsu Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Geotextile Reinforcement in Full Scale Test Embankment on Soft Ground B.R. Christopher, D.T.Bergado, K. H. Lake, P. V. Long, P.Delmas Access