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Scrap tire generations is always on the increasing trend all over the world and because of improper disposal of such waste results in environmental problems such as congestion in landfill occupying lager volume and the problem is worst when they are burnt. An attempt is made in this paper to study the performance of rubber tire chips waste (TCW) for beneficial improvement of problematic subgrade soil and also to enhance the elastic recoverable strain that a subgrade undergo under repetitive traffic loads using geogrid reinforcement. Static and repetitive load tests were conducted on soil and rubber waste in four different layer forms as well intermixed combination. Rubber chips of 30 – 45 mm are used. It is found that upon placing TCW in layer form, the thickness of rubber waste and placement location of waste layer influence the load carrying capacity and also very much to the elastic and plastic deformation of soil – rubber waste system. Geogrid reinforced TCW sandwiched between soil layers is found to have a better performance in terms of load carrying capacity and enhanced elastic recovery compared with either waste layer under laid by soil or soil under laid by waste.