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CEN/TC189 and ISO/TC 221 – European and International Standards for Geosynthetics: the Current Developments

European Technical Committee CEN/TC 189 ‘Geosynthetics’ was established in 1989 and has now produced over 60 European standards and Technical Specifications. The standards describe the methods to be used for testing all types of geosynthetics – geotextiles, geogrids, geocomposites and geomembranes/barriers. Additionally seventeen application standards have been published; they set out the characteristics required and procedures to be followed for the CE marking of the geosynthetics used in a given application. The current work programme includes over thirty items which include revisions to existing standards and new projects to ensure that the requirements of the Construction Products Regulations are satisfied. The work of CEN/TC189 is closely matched by the work of International Standards Technical Committee ISO/TC 221’Geosynthetics’ through the Vienna Agreement (VA). . ISO/TC 221 Geosynthetics was set up in 2000 as the technical body to develop and maintain ISO Standards for Geosynthetics and to cooperate with CEN/TC 189. ISO/TC 221 works closely with the CEN/TC 189 Geosynthetics through the VA such that many of the geosynthetic standards have a double status as EN ISO standards. The structure of the two Technical Committee’s is such as to maximize the benefits of working together. ISO TC 221 is also developing a set of ten Technical Reports which will provide guidance for designers. The work of ISO/TC221 is carried out by experts from 30 Participating countries and 13 Observer countries.