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In this study, large-scale laminated shear test apparatus was employed to investigate the mechanical behaviour of both the sand-sand and sand-geotextile interfaces. Influence of magnitude of normal stress was evaluated by conducting a series of shear tests on the pure sand and the reinforced sand. The dilation properties of the whole specimen as well as the local deformation near shear plane were in-vestigated by analyzing the displacement obtained from each shear ring. Results shows that the value of normal stress had important influence on the deformation properties of sand. Although the peak shear strength for specimens with different interfaces was similar, the role of geotextile in restraining the de-formation of sand was confirmed with the smaller dilation rate at the initial shearing period and the small-er horizontal displacement observed near the shear plane in the reinforced sand. Besides, the spatial dis-tribution of the horizontal displacement in each shear ring was observed to be similar for both the pure sand and sand-geotextile specimen.