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Polyethylene (PE) geomembrane comprising of LLDPE and HDPE are the most popular types of materials for geomembrane in use today. A combination of ease of processability, durability, ex-cellent mechanical properties, economical cost and excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals gives PE geomembrane a distinct advantage over other types of materials in this application. End users from a wide range of industries have come to depend on the reliability of PE geomembrane in many demanding applications. The PE materials currently in use have been developed to successfully meet today’s needs. As the environmental awareness increases in line with the performance expectations from end users, a new range of materials might be needed to meet such challenges. This paper will demonstrate how recent developments in the field of PE materials will help expand the performance envelope of the next genera-tion of geomembrane and also highlight key material properties that engineers and designers can focus on to take advantage of the advancement in material technology.