The application of geotextiles as soil reinforcement in roads, embankments and inclined to vertical earthen wall constructions has proven a valid and very beneficial technique in the last decades. Many different products are available on the market, such as geogrids or wovens, made from different raw materials and/or using different production technologies. This paper focuses on the relevant proper-ties of geosynthetic reinforcements on the interaction behavior under static and cyclic load conditions. In different researches and publications it has been concluded, that the ability of a reinforcement product to align itself to the soil particles or soil surface, respectively, has a beneficial effect on the interaction be-havior. Especially under cyclic loads, such as in road or railway applications, the capability to align has been shown beneficial. The paper gives an overview on related literature and explains the beneficial ef-fect of a high alignment capacity of reinforcement products on the performance of the composite material “reinforced soil”.