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This study investigates the stress distribution of geosynthetic-reinforced pavement founda-tion using a rolling wheel large-scale accelerated pavement test. Pressure cells embedded in different ver-tical locations under a wheel path are used to indicate the variations of vertical stress in both subgrade ma-terial and base course material. Large-scale test specimens enclosed in a 6ft (1.8m) L x 6ft (1.8m) W x 2ft (0.6m) D metal box is prepared both with and without a geosynthetic. The pressure cells display pressure variations over the course of testing in different locations which help evaluate the effects of using a geo-synthetic between the base and subgrade layers of a pavement compared to control specimens built with no geosynthetic. Pressure measurements give a good indication of the pressure experienced at given loca-tions for each traffic loading cycle. These measurements allow for an evaluation of the geosynthetic for the reduction of vertical pressure at the top of the subgrade.