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The use of geotextiles as a waterproofing and stress – absorbing membrane interlayer ( SAMI) is a proven and increasingly often – employed construction technique. Successful use of this system greatly depends upon the properties of the solids in the special binder and upon the quality of the geotextile used. Not every product comes up to the requirements in respect of recyclability and millability. PET-nonwovens and geo-grids caused difficulties, whereas the characteristic values for a recycled asphalt mix with and without PP-nonwoven showed no differences.
In Switzerland it was found that the nonwoven interlayer prevented any recurrence of random crocodile cracking. Advanced reflective cracking originating from cement-stabilized base layers was retarded only by 2 – 3 years. However, the permeability of overlays containing nonwovens is very much less than without interlayers. For construction of new roads nonwovens allow the combination of high stability base courses with thin wearing courses.