JP Giroud’s Keynote lecture from Day 1 of the TC-Hydraulics webinar series ‘Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics’ using Egypt’s massive canal rehabilitation
Nathalie Touze’s presentation from Day 1 of the TC-Hydraulics webinar series ‘Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics’ using Egypt’s massive canal rehabilitation program
Eric Blond’s presentation from Day 1 of the TC-Hydraulics webinar series ‘Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics’ using Egypt’s massive canal rehabilitation program
Hervé Plusquellec’s keynote lecture from Day 2 of the TC-Hydraulics webinar series ‘Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics’ using Egypt’s massive canal rehabilitation
Chris Davey’s presentation from Day 2 of the TC-Hydraulics webinar series ‘Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics’ using Egypt’s massive canal rehabilitation program
Bertrand Breul’s presentation from Day 2 of the TC-Hydraulics webinar series ‘Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics’ using Egypt’s massive canal rehabilitation program