Spanish Translation of the leaflet “Geosynthetic Functions”: Los geosintéticos comprenden una variedad de materiales de polímeros sintéticos que se fabrican especialmente para ser utilizados
Chinese Translation of the leaflet “Geosynthetics in Slopes over Stable Foundations 2021”: 土工合成材料加固層用於使用初級加固的水平層來穩定斜坡,防止潛在的深層破壞。加固邊坡可能是邊坡修復和(或)加固填土路堤兩側的一部分。加固層允許以比未加固斜坡更陡的角度建造坡面。
Chinese Translation of “Geosynthetic Functions” 2021: 土工合成材料包括各種合成聚合物材料,這些材料經過專門製造,可用於岩土工程、環境、水利和交通工程應用。土工合成材料的主要功能由 ISO 10318-1 標准定義,而與每個功能相關的象形圖則由 ISO 10318-2 標準標準化。根據這些 ISO 文件可以方便地識別土工合成材料的主要功能,同時考慮到很少有土工合成材料僅執行一種功能。本手冊中介紹的主要功能包括分離、過濾、排水、屏障、表面侵蝕控制、加固、穩定、保護和壓力釋放。
Spanish translation of the leaflet “Geosynthetics in Unpaved Roads”: Los geosintéticos se pueden usar efectivamente para mejorar el rendimiento de carreteras no pavimentadas y
Spanish Translation of the leaflet “Geosynethetics in Slopes Over Stable Foundations”: Las capas de refuerzo de geosintéticos se utilizan para estabilizar taludes contra posibles
Spanish Translation of ‘Geosynthetics in Embankments 2021’ Terraplenes en suelos blandos, terraplenes sobre pilotes y sobre áreas propensas a hundimientos son las aplicaciones para
Retaining walls using geosynthetics have proven to outperform traditional walls such as concrete cantilever walls or mass gravity walls, preferred in many markets such
Geosynthetics can be effectively used to improve the performance of unpaved roads and working platforms on soft to firm soils. If correctly specified and
Layers of geosynthetic reinforcement are used to stabilize slopes against potential deep-seated failure using horizontal layers of primary reinforcement. The reinforced slope may be
Designing countermeasures for natural disaster, especially earthquakes, is a common task in the world. Earthquakes cause strong horizontal acceleration of structures. This motion caused
Spanish translation of the leaflet “Geosynthetics in Railways”: El uso de geosintéticos para reducir o reemplazar las capas tradicionales es ahora una práctica aceptada
Embankment on soft soils, embankment on piles and over areas prone to subsidence are the applications for which geosynthetics reinforcement provide effective solutions. Reinforcement
Geosynthetics include a variety of synthetic polymeric materials that are specially fabricated to be used in geotechnical, environmental, hydraulic and transportation engineering applications. The
This link is being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; it does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the International
This link is being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; it does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the International
This link is being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; it does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the International
This link is being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; it does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the International
Preparing the Ground for a Brighter Future is based upon IGS Vice President Dr Nathalie Touze’s Giroud Lecture Healing The World: A Geosynthetics Solution.