ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Sand-Geotextile Interaction by Triaxial Compression Testing D. K. Atmatzidis, G. A. Athanasopoulos & C. I. Papantonopoulos Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Biaxial Strength of Geotextiles B. Leclercq, E. Dinatale, M. Jarrigeon, P. Mailler & P. Hamelin Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Stresses in a Planar Soil Composite in Plane Strain Compression- A.J.Whittle, M. Abramento Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Granular Soil Reinforced with Geotextile and Randomly Oriented Fibres: A Comparison A.Bouazza, K. Amokrane & T. Aberkane Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Soil Reinforcement Interaction by In-Soil Tensile Tests and Direct Shear Tests D. Vidal, E.M. Palmeira, R.C. Gomes Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Engineering Properties of Five Major Geogrids in Japan s. Chida, T. Akagi, T. Higuchi Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore The Interface Friction and Anchor Capacity of Synthetic Georeinforcements J. Forsman & E. Slunga Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Testing Methods For Soil-Geosynthetic Frictional Behaviour – Japanese Standard H. Ochiai, K. Makiuchi, M.Fukuoka, S.Hayashi, T. Hirai Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Centrifuge Modelling to Study Dynamic Friction at Geosynthetic Interfaces A. De & M. B. Mahmud, T. F. Zimmie Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore · In-Soil Tension Strain Behaviour of Nonwoven Geotextiles A. Ghinelli, D. Cazzuffi, M. Sacchetti Access