ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Effects of Temperature on Physical Behaviour of Geomembranes J. Budiman Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Geosynthetic .Materials in French Industrial Waste Storages : New Concepts B. Soyez, C. Bernhard, J. -P. Gourc·, T.Gisbert Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Creation of a New Storage Cell in the Wauthier-Braine Waste Disposal J. L Hilde, L. Courard & J. M. Rigo, M. Tcherniaeff, Ph. Canivet Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Geomembrane Liner to Control Water Loss and Create Conservational Lake -A Case Study D.S. Saxena Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore A Geomembrane Liner Failure: Design, Installation, and-·communication Lessons Learned G. H. George Ill, H. E. Haxo Jr., I.D. Peggs Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Temperature Design Considerations in a Geogrid Landfill P. J. Carey, T. G. Collins & J. S. Martin Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore The CBR Puncture Test Applied to Geomembranes 0. Vidal, J ... p. Gourc & E. Purwanto Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Extrapolation Techniques for Long Term Strengths of Polymeric Geogrids F. Montanelli, P. Rimoldi, T. S. Ingold Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Stress Relaxation Behavior of HOPE Geomembranes A. E. Lord, Jr. & R. M. Koerner, T.-Y. Soong Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Creep and Time-to-Rupture of Polyester Geogrids at Elevated Temperatures C. J. M. van den Heuvel, G. den Hoedt & W. Voskamp Access