ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Pollution Control of a Norwegian Fjord by Use of Geotextiles D. lnstanes Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Reinforced Dredge Materials for Landfill Construction Using Geogrids S. C. Lee Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore A Floating Cover Over Large Anaerobic Pond to Eliminate Odour and Produce Electricity T. Leffel Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Bituminous Membrane Cap of a Radioactive Waste Landfill – Quality Program 8. Breul, G.Ossena., R. Herment Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore The Use of a Spray Elastomer for Landfill Cover Liner Applications C. J. Miller & J. Y. Lee, S. C. J. Cheng & G. T. Corcoran Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore A Reinforced Sealing System to Remediate Contaminated Sites B. Thamm, D. Genske Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Accurate Detection and Location of Effluent Leaks Beneath Lined Waste Disposal Sites F. De Meerleer Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Post Installation Leak Testing of Geomembranes M. W. Cadwallader & P. W. Barker Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Leakage Rates through Geomembrane Liners beneath Phosphogypsum Disposal Facilities J: E. Garlanger, N. F. Fuleihan & A. H. Riad Access
ICG 5 - 1994 Singapore Water Permeation through Geomembranes: Mechanism and Measurement C. Eloy-Giorni & R. Margrita, P. Pierson & Th. Pelte Access