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A large-scale test was performed to monitor the performance of a section of pavement reinforced with multidirectional
polypropylene geogrids, commonly used on highways, but in this case, applied to stabilize the circulation paths of Komatsu
830E-AC haul trucks. These trucks carry loads greater than 400 tons when loaded, can carry more than 240 tons of iron
ore per trip and can reach a maximum of 274 tons. The average circulation frequency ranges from 650 to 800 trips per
day, empty and loaded. The test aimed to solve runway problems, especially during the rainy season, where traffic routes
deteriorate more easily, resulting in large deformations and irregular and slippery surfaces, resulting in a reduction in the
average speed of trucks and loss of production due to reduction of commuting per day.
The section reinforced with geosynthetics was approximately 70m long and 20m wide, a longitudinal slope ranging from 8
to 10% and 3 layers of local soil 0.40m thick reinforced by 3 layers of multidirectional polypropylene geogrids type TRIAX®
TX160. The reinforced section underwent several performance tests, including turning and braking maneuvers, before and
after heavy rains, using the mine’s own trucks for this purpose. These tests demonstrated the best performance of the
reinforced section versus the control section and allowed to achieve the objective of the test, which is to maintain the traffic
capacity of haul trucks in the best possible way during the rainy season.