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Compilation of non-linear three-component model for simulations of rate-dependent load-strain-time behaviours of geogrids

Polymer geosynthetic reinforcements show the elasto-visco-plastic load-strain-time behav-iours, which have been revealed by many past tensile loading test results. These behaviours can be accu-rately described using a non-linear three-component (NTC) model, especially when subjected to complex loading histories including, for example, changes in the strain rate, creep, stress relaxation, etc. Two vis-cosity types, Isotach and Combined, have been found relevant for various geosynthetic reinforcements. In this paper, the equilibrium equations of the NTC model for geosynthetic reinforcements are described and the algorithms for utilising them for simulations of load-strain-time behaviours are detailed. Three simu-lation modes consisted of constant-strain-rate monotonic loading, sustained loading and stress relaxation are presented. Aiming to encourage the use of the NTC model by other researchers, a work example in Microsoft Excel with a user-defined Microsoft Visual Basic source code is also provided.