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CSPE Performance & History in Open Top Reservoirs for long term Potable Water Storage Applications

Open top reservoirs have been used for thousands of years for the storage of water. This paper covers the history and applications of open top reservoirs with geosynthetic floating covers. It discusses the design and performance functions of floating covers. The paper also addresses the notable economics of open top reservoirs using geosynthetic floating covers for the storage of large quantities of water compared to other common below and above ground structural storage methods used. It further discusses the proven performance of Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) as a long-term material for floating covers. This paper highlights the long history of CSPE floating covers in potable water storage and the material’s outstanding UV performance and chemical resistance to chlorine and other chemicals disinfectants used in water treatment. The paper further profiles three larger floating cover projects located in hot, dry regions for potable water containment where the covers were used in exposed applications for an average of 30 years. With CSPE, the material goes through a unique polymer cross linking process where several of the product’s mechanical and endurance properties improve as the material ages. The material can be repaired in floating cover applications as old as 37 years. With over forty years of documented applications, CSPE has proven to be one of the best performing materials for floating covers and geomembranes in long term potable water storage applications.