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Video Category: Ask the Officer

IGS 40th Anniversary Lecture Series – ‘Ask the Officer’ session with IGS President Samuel R. Allen

As the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) celebrated its 40th anniversary, IGS President Sam Allen fielded questions from the membership about the IGS’s strategic goals.

IGS 40th Anniversary Lecture Series – ‘Ask the Officer’ session with Immediate Past President Chungsik Yoo

As the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) celebrated its 40th anniversary, IGS Immediate Past President Chungsik Yoo fielded questions from the membership about the IGS’s

IGS 40th Anniversary Lecture Series – ‘Ask the Officer’ session with Secretary General Laura Carbone

As the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) celebrated its 40th anniversary, IGS Secretary General Laura Carbone fielded questions from the membership about the IGS’s strategic

IGS 40th Anniversary Lecture Series – ‘Ask the Officer’ session with Treasurer Jie Han

As the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) celebrated its 40th anniversary, IGS Treasurer Jie Han fielded questions from the membership about the IGS’s strategic goal

IGS 40th Anniversary Lecture Series – ‘Ask the Officer’ session with VP Edoardo Zannoni

During the IGS’s 40th Birthday Week, the IGS Officers took part in daily, live Q&As in ‘Ask the Officer’ sessions. Vice President Edoardo Zannoni