ICG 2 - 1982 Las Vegas USA - Volume I The Use of Geotextile for Wrapping Large Depth Drain.pdf J., PRUDON, Puig, R. Access
ICG 1 - 1977 Paris - International Conference on the Use of Fabrics in Geotechnics 279.pdf Bourdillon, Didier, G., Gielly, J., M. Access
ICG 1 - 1977 Paris - International Conference on the Use of Fabrics in Geotechnics 243.pdf Hoogendoorn, J. Access
ICG 1 - 1977 Paris - International Conference on the Use of Fabrics in Geotechnics 201.pdf A.L., Dallaire, G., J., Masounave, Rollin Access
ICG 1 - 1977 Paris - International Conference on the Use of Fabrics in Geotechnics 85.pdf Blivet, J., J.C., P., Pasquet, Puig Access
ICG 1 - 1977 Paris - International Conference on the Use of Fabrics in Geotechnics 41.pdf Einsenmann, G., J., Leykauf Access
ICG 1 - 1977 Paris - International Conference on the Use of Fabrics in Geotechnics 29.pdf A., D., G., J., Morel, Puiatti, Puig, Quibel Access