ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Protection geotextiles for geomembranes in landfill applications Kent P. Von Maubeuge Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Stability on slope of earthfill on geosynthetics lining system Daniel Poulain, Francis Tano, Guillaume Stoltz, Guillaume Veylon, Sylvie Nicaise Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Performance of geobarrier system under rainfall infiltration Alfrendo Satyanaga, Harianto Rahardjo, Nurly Gofar Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Bituminous geomembrane in mine construction Bernard Breul, Bertrand Breul, Rob McIlwraith Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Hydraulic conductivity of a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) from a composite liner after 12-yr of atmospheric exposure Craig H. Benson, James L. Hanson, Kuo Tian, Nazli Yesiller, Thomas Williams Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Effect of liner temperature on the long term stress cracking of HDPE geomembranes under simulated field conditions Fady B. Abdelaal, R. Kerry Rowe, Richard W. I. Brachman Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Evaluation tests on PE-HD geosynthetic barriers after exposure tests Anja Martin, Helmut Zanzinger Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Temperature effect on diffusive transport of volatile organic compounds through a composite liner system Jongwan Eun, M Sina Mousavi, Mostafa Afzalian Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea How do certification schemes of geosynthetics make expected benefits of the use of geosynthetics more reliable Pierre Lebon Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Condition assessment of a 30-year old pond liner Ian D.Peggs, Justin Woolston, Peter DiDonna, Robert B Wallace Access