GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Refuerzo de la subrasante con geotextile tejido drenante en la repavimentación del circuito de la UDLAP R. Reyes Ramirez Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro A Model Study on the Performance of Piled Embankments on Soft Soils and the Influence of Reinforcement Damage E.C.A. Fonseca, E.M. Palmeira Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro A new design method for working platforms stabilised by multi-axial geogrid A.S. Lees, G. Fountain, M. Wayne Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Compaction on the Behavior of Geosynthetics-Reinforced Pile-Supported (GRPS) Embankment System C. Dieguez, J.O.S Eleutério, M. Ehrlich, S.H. Mirmoradi Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro The deformability of stiff geogrids with interlocked granular material J. Kawalec, L. Horníček, Z. Rakowski Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Aplicación del método de cálculo de la capacidad portante, de Avesani Neto, en el refuerzo, con geoceldas, de carreteras sin pavimentar I. Zuloaga Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Full-scale testing of geogrid-stabilised aggregate working platforms under controlled loading conditions A; Fox, A; Lees, A; Wayne, B; Andree, B; Soliman, H; Hammerlindl, I., J; Fleming, K; Leik, M; Howse, M; Kawalec, Marcotte Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Settlement Analysis of a Heap Leach Pad Founded over an Old Open Pit J. Ale, J. Ccotohuanca Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro EMBANKMENT FOUNDATION OF THE SAN MARTÍN RAILWAY VIADUCT C. Russo, D. M. Skok Access