EuroGeo 6 - 2016 Ljubljana Slovenia Numerical analysis of full-scale mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls under strip footing load A. Bezuijen, H. Ahmadi Access
EuroGeo 6 - 2016 Ljubljana Slovenia Case Study : Hybrid MSE wall system used on a highway project in Turkey H. Özçelik Access
EuroGeo 6 - 2016 Ljubljana Slovenia Numerical analysis of full-scale mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls under strip footing load A. Bezuijen, H. Ahmadi Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Muro mecánicamente estabilizado con geotextil, caso Kiener N.A. Vergara Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Back-to-back Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall over a Load Transfer Platform supporting a railway structure: design consideration and installation procedure F. Trovato, G. Lugli, P. J. Dos Santos Access
GeoAmericas 4 - 2020 Rio de Janeiro Risks and alternatives to the use of PET reinforcements in lime treated backfills Matthieu Aressy, Robert Lozano Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Case study on the use of high hybrid MSE walls in mine industry Bülent Özgür Odabaşı, Christopher Leaf, Dave Geier, Giovanni Vaciago, Hakan Ozcelik, John Sadler, Paolo Di Natale, Rick Kiel, Tom Mando Kapita Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea A study on mechanically stabilized earth wall lateral displacements reinforced with geosynthetics and steel strips using GeoStudio (2D) and Plaxis 3D Christine P. Langcuyan, Myoung-Soo Won Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Performance evaluation of geomat drainage geocomposites and case histories Aigen Zhao, Moreno Scotto, Pietro Rimoldi, Sachin Mandavkar, Salvatore Miliziano Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Common mistakes in designing MSE wall with finite element method Tjie-Liong Gouw Access