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India is one of the largest producers of Coir and its related products in the world. There is a tremendous scope for utilization of coir geotextiles in ground modification. At the same time, the need for increasing the utilization of pond ash is ever increasing due to the constant growth in thermal power sector. In view of this efforts were made in the present study to investigate the effectiveness of pond ash reinforced with coir geotextile under monotonic as well as cyclic loading by conducting a series of load tests. Efforts were made to compare the response of pond ash reinforced with coir geotextile with that of more popular polymeric woven geotextile. The monotonic load test results indicated that, for a given improvement in bearing capacity, the coir reinforced pond ash has undergone greater settlement than that of woven geotextile reinforced pond ash, underlining the fact that the modulus of former is lesser than that of the later. Similar behavior was observed in cyclic load tests. The resilient modulus of the coir reinforced pond ash was found to be smaller than that of woven geotextile reinforced pond ash. The study indicated that, there is need for improvement of modulus of the coir geotextile for its use as reinforcement.