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Informal housing construction on steep slopes presents high sliding risks. In most cases the population design and construct their own houses without the advice or supervision of professionals. In Carabayllo it is common to see Pircas (stacked rock walls) constructed to support different types of buildings, commonly used for housing, which are very vulnerable to seismic loads. The random method of construction of Pircas makes it difficult to characterize them; however, a types of Pircas have been chosen depending on the slope where they are settled. This work compares numerically four types of solutions to stabilize these Pircas taking into account a method used by people in Carabayllo, which are: The first; reinforcement method is covering the Pirca with a thin layer of cement mortar; the second is covering the Pirca with a geogrid; the third method is covering the Pirca with geogrids and 5cm thick sand mortar and the last method uses reinforced Pirca-backfill with a geotextile. A comparative table is presented with the safety factors found for each case. This study recommends the best solution, one that presents an acceptable safety factor at the lower cost.