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Technical viability analysis of geogrid-reinforced unpaved roads in cyclic loading test

Although the study on the use about geosynthetics is quite recent, considering the beginnings of geotechnical engineering, the positive results obtained with its application in several works make this theme increasingly developed. Aiming at improving the technical viability of unpaved roads, this work proposes the use of a type of geosynthetic, the geogrid, in a comparative study between different unpaved road simulations. This type of road is known to constitute over 89% of Brazilian roads, denoting its relevance. In the study, road simulations involving embankments with steel slag and gravel 1 were performed on large equipment that applies cyclic loading, which in turn resembles vehicle crossing on a real road. With an analysis of the data obtained, it was found that the roads containing or geosynthetic had a greater number of cycles when put load, which represents, under real conditions, the increase of road life.