ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Engineering compliance – East London regional waste disposal site – a case study Nash Dookhi Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Case history of a 22-year old geomembrane liner at a domestic waste landfill George Koerner, Jimmy Youngblood, Timothy Rafter Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Bituminous geomembranes performance for projects in high seismicity regions Bertrand Breul, Robert McIlwraith, Tarik Hadj-Hamou, Terry Eldridge Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Regulations and recommendations describing the use of geosynthetic barriers – A brief summary of regulated applications K. P. von Maubeuge Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Repairs underwater of a HDPE liner by using a bituminous geomembrane of a density more than 1 Bernard Breul, Natalie Daly, Rob McIlwraith Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Leak location liner system in environmental containments – China experience Hoe Boon Ng, Yongya Zheng Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Green technology with geosynthetics prevent environment from rail-way dangerous pollutants Andrei Petriaev, Antonina Sakharova, Larisa Svatovskaya, Marina Baidarashvili Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Effect of bentonite mass per unit area on the desiccation of geosynthetic clay liners under high temperature and low overburden pressure Abbas El-Zein, Bowei Yu, R. Kerry Rowe Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Evaluation of seepage behavior considering tidal effect at offshore waste landfill with geosynthetic liner Haeyong Park, Hyunjin Shin, Myounghak Oh Access
ICG 11 - 2018 Seoul Korea Experimental investigation of a heterogeneous GCL model Daniel Gibbs, Lara Grady, Preston Kendall Access